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Female , 54 years old
Birth Day
English, German

Postcard Preferences

Homemade Postcards
Yes Please
Send inside an envelope
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Looking for direct swap
Yes Please

Preferred Themes

Landscapes, City, Flags, Beaches, Industry


All about FinFin

Feel free to send me any postcard you like yourself and maybe write why you do. Envelopes are fine, too - whatever you prefer. Write about whatever you like, I am very curious. A bit about me: I love writing, reading, words, history, walking in the countryside. I like books, flowers, the sea, paintings/art, history, words, landscapes, animals... but also many more things. Blue is my favourite colour in all shades. I love autumn but do not like summer at all. Tea I cannot stand, but coffee is fine anytime. I love ice cream all year round. If life allows me I prefer staying up until the small hours and sleep through the rest of the morning. Chaos is a friend of mine, we get on rather well.


Member since
March 28th, 2023

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